Phygital Events

While making connections in person, is a powerful and enjoyable thing. For a variety of reasons it's not always possible to bring people together into the same space & the year 2020 has taught us that & much more. That's why Virtual and Hybrid events have been popular in the last couple of years, bringing people together from different parts of the world, but 2020 has made it very clear. Going Virtual plays an important role to not only help planners expand their audience but they can be an effective way to increase revenue and track key data about the participants. At the same time, events held virtually can not only save time, but also money that would go towards travel, production, catering and other logistics. With various customisation features, event flexibility and multiple branding and sponsorship opportunities, Virtual and Hybrid / Phygital events are here to stay and will perhaps outlast the pandemic.

IM Expo Solutions
IM Expo Solutions
Thinkkloud Brand Solutions
Thinkkloud Brand Solutions